Abstrak:Kelompok pekerja bangunan yang mengerjakan jenis pekerjaan pengalian tanah, pasangan anstampeng batu kali, pasangan pondasi batu kali, dan pasangan rolag diatas pondasi masih perlu mendapat perhatian, terutama munculnya faktor pengaruh ekternal dan internal dalam bekerja, sehinga mengurangi capaian hasil kerja yang masih rendah dan kurang memberi keuntungan terhadap jasa pelaksana konstruksi. Penelitian mengunakan cara survei, wawancara dan observasi hasil kerja pada setiap jenis pekerjaan konstruksi kepada kelompok pekerja dari pekerja, tukang, mandor dan pelaksana di kota Malang bekerja pada jasa pengembang bangunan tak bertingkat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sumbangan atribut pada sosio ekonomi meliputi: pengalamam profesi pekerja antara 5-7 th, pendidikan formal yang dicapai sebelum bekerja min SD, Pelatihan ketrampilan kerja yang diperoleh melalui belajar dari tukang atasan, upah satuan harian,Jarak timbunan material kerja terhadap tempat pasangan komponen konstruksi, dan penataan site material dan tempat kerja konstruksi.sumbangan pada lingkungan sarana kerja meliputi variabel: site lokasi pekerjaan konstruksi, ketersediaan material sebelum mengawali pekerjaan konstruksi, kelengkapan peralatan kerja bantu yang dimiliki oleh masing profesi, cara mengunakan material dan metode kerja, Kondisi Cuaca saat berlangsung jam kerja, Profesi tetap sebagai tenaga kerja disektor bangunan, Koefisien upah dari kelompok pekerja dari jenis pekerjaan diperoleh dari hasil capaian produktivitas kerja real dilapangan dalam ukuran waktu kerja 7 jam sehari.
Kata-kata kunci: produktivitas, Jenis pekerja bangunan, koefisien upah kerja
Abstract: The group of construction workers who performs the type of earth excavation work, river stone masonry pairs, river stone foundation pairs, and rollerag pairs on the foundation still need attention, especially the emergence of external and internal influencing factors in their work, thereby reducing low and insufficient performance. provide benefits for construction implementation services. The research used surveys, interviews and observations of the work results of each type of construction work to groups of workers, from workers, masons, foremen and implementers in Malang to work in multilevel building developer services. The results showed that the contribution of attributes to the socio-economy includes: professional experience of workers between 5-7 years, formal education achieved before working at elementary school, work skills training obtained through learning from a superior, daily unit wages, distance of work material hoarding to the partner’s place. construction components, and the arrangement of site material and construction workplaces. contributions to the work facility environment include variables: construction work site sites, availability of materials before starting construction work, completeness of work tools owned by each profession, how to use materials and work methods, conditions Weather during working hours, permanent profession as labor in the building sector, the wage coefficient of the group of workers from the type of work is obtained from the results of real work productivity achievements in the field in terms of working time of 7 hours a day.
Keywords: productivity, type of construction worker, coefficient of wages
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