Widya Damayanthi, Karyadi Karyadi, M. Mirza Abdillah Pratama


Abstrak:Balok beton gradasi merupakan suatu inovasi di dunia konstruksi karena dengan adanya gradasi mutu dapat mereduksi penggunan semen, namun dapat meningkatkan kekakuan dari elemen struktur tersebut mendekati mutu tertingginya. Gradasi mutu dilakukan dengan meletakkan mutu rendah di bagian serat tarik dan mutu tinggi di bagian serat tekan. Penggunaan mutu rendah pada serat tarik berdasarkan asumsi bahwa beton sama sekali tidak menanggung tegangan tarik. Balok beton gradasi yang hemat semen dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam dunia konstruksi yang sedang menggalakkan green building. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengobservasi pengaruh dimensi penampang melintang dan rasio pembesian lentur terhadap kapasitas beban yang mampu ditahan oleh balok beton gradasi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan mempersiapkan spesimen ujinya dan kontrol sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahanan balok terhadap risiko retak meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan rasio penampang dan rasio pembesian yang digunakan. Walaupun demikian, luas penampang perlu dikaji ulang agar kinerja antar spesimen dapat dibandingkan.

Kata-kata kunci: Beton Gradasi, Green Building, Balok

Abstract: Graded concrete beams are an innovation in the world of construction because the presence of quality gradations can reduce the use of cement, but can increase the stiffness of the structural elements close to their highest quality. Quality grading is done by placing low strength in the tensile fiber section and high strength in the compression fiber section. The use of low strength in tensile fibers is based on the assumption that the concrete does not bear any tensile stress at all. Cement-efficient graded concrete blocks can be a solution in the world of construction that is promoting green building. This study aims to observe the effect of cross-sectional dimensions and the ratio of flexural steel to the load capacity that can be supported by graded concrete beams. The research was conducted experimentally by preparing the test specimens and the control as a comparison. The results showed that the resistance of the beam to the risk of cracking increased with the increase in the cross-sectional ratio and the ratio of the iron used. However, the cross-sectional area needs to be reviewed so that performance between specimens can be compared.

Keywords: Gradated Concrete, Green Building, Beams

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