Bambang Djatmiko, N. Bambang Revantoro, Suparno Suparno, Made Wena


Abstrak: Adanya resiko kenaikan harga material, biaya tak terduga membengkak , sehingga progres semakin lambat bahkan bisa terjadi pemberhentian pekerjaan. Progres adalah tujuan utama dari pelaksana tanpa mengabaikan mutu, maupun aspek lain sesuai isi kontrak. Berdasarkan kajian empiris progres dioptimalkan bukan sebagai variabel output. Tujuan penelitian adalah: 1). Mengetahui model himpunan fuzzy Mamdani untuk optimasi
progres ,2). Mengetahui model pemrograman optimasi progres fuzzy Mamdani
MATLAB dan 3). Mengetahui hasil simulasi progres dengan komputasi fuzzy Mamdani MATLAB. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental yaitu dicoba progres sebagai variabel single out put dalam model fuzzy Mamdani sistem MISO (Multiple Input Single Output). Variabel multiple inputnya: Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Profit dan Informal cost. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1). Model himpunan fuzzy Mamdani sistem MISO, 4 multiple input yaitu: Direct Cost (10-75 persen), Indirect Cost (10-25 persen), Informal cost (5-10 persen) dan Profit (5-15 persen)
dan single output yaitu progres (kurang dari25 - lebih dari25 persen), 2). Model pemrograman optimasi indikator: Fungsi keanggotaan trapesium, Himpunan linguistik dua macam (minimum – maximum dan slow – fast), fungsi implikasi MISO , Sistem operasi “MAX - DOT”, Aturan fuzzy (if … and … then) sebesar 16 rules dan Menggunakan soft ware MATLAB R2014a dan 3) Hasil simulasi akan
diperoleh progres slow jika dalam mengalokasikan dana pada variabel input tidak berimbang dan sebaliknya akan diperoleh progres fast jika alokasi dana pada variabel input berimbang.

Kata-kata kunci: optimasi, Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Informal cost, Profit dan Progres

Abstract: The risk of rising material prices, unexpected costs swell, so the progress is getting slower and even job stops. Progress is the main objective of the implementer without neglecting the quality, as well as other aspects of the contents of the contract. Based on the empirical study progress is not optimized as an output variable. The research objectives are: 1). Knowing Mamdani’s

fuzzy set model for progressive optimization, 2). Know the programming model of fuzzy progressive optimization Mamdani MATLAB and 3). Knowing the results of the progress simulation with fuzzy Mamdani MATLAB computing. This research uses experimental design that is attempted progress as single out put variable in fuzzy model Mamdani MISO system (Multiple Input Single Output). Multiple input variables: Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Profit and Informal cost.

The results of the study were: 1). Fuzzy Fuzzy MISO system set model, 4 direct input (10- 75 percent), Indirect Cost (10-25 percent), Informal cost (5-10 percent) and Profit (5-15 percent) and single output progress (less than25 -more than 25 percent), 2). Optimized programming model indicator: trapezoidal membership function, linguistic set of two types (minimum - maximum and slow - fast), MISO implication function, operating system “MAX - DOT”, fuzzy rules (if ... and ...then) is 16 rules and Using soft ware MATLAB R2014a and 3) Simulation results will be obtained slow progress if in allocating funds on input variables are not balanced and vice versa will be obtained fast if the allocation of funds in input variables balanced.

Keywords: optimization, Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Informal cost, Profit and Progress

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um071v23i12018p%25p


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