Sulis Rochayatun, Puji Handayati, Gunartin .


Abstract: Implementation of CSR program is one form of implementation of the concept of good corpo-rate governance. It is intended that the behavior of businesses have directives that can be referenced
by organizing all the interests of stakeholders that can be filled proportionally, preventing significant
errors in the corporate strategy and ensures errors that occur can be corrected immediately. Basically,
corporate social responsibility is expected to go back into the culture for the Indonesian nation in
particular, and the world community in unity to overcome the problem of economic, social and envi-ronmental. The population used as the sample is 10 Bappeda cities in East Java. Sampling using
purposive sampling. The data used are primary data derived from interviews and observations. The
results of the field studies showed that the average city does not have regulations on CSR in its
implementation, is also no institutional model so that the CSR Forum on the results of the study data
showed that a large part of the city agencies do not have a CSR forum.

Keywords:Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ), CSR Forum

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