
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling on 2022


Dear colleague,

We have some news:

  • Starting in Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2022, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling move to a new website at However, for the review process, we will still use the old website ( We also have a minor update on our author guidelines.
  • We proudly announce that once again, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling (JKBK) is Accredited “Rank 2” (Peringkat 2) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree 5162/E4/AK.04/2021 (valid until Vol. 10, No 2, 2025).
  • Starting April 1st, 2022 onward, JKBK will apply an Article Publication Fee of IDR 1,500,000 or USD 110 for each manuscript accepted.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information about this.

Once again, thank you for the continuing interest in our work,


Posted: 2022-02-13

Publication Frequency Update


Dear Colleagues,

Starting in 2021, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling will be published three times a year (April, August and December).

If you have any question regarding this information, do not hesitate to contact us via

Best regards,
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling Editorial Team

Posted: 2020-12-01

Article Template Update


In 2020, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling has update the article template. You can download the new article template here

Thank you.

Posted: 2020-05-01

New Editor in Chief and Article Template Update


In 2019, Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling has update the article template and editorial team, such as change in editor in chief and add more new editors. Starting in 2019 Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling Editor in Chief is Adi Atmoko.

Thank you.

Posted: 2019-05-20

Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling - Accredited Rank 2 (Peringkat 2)


Dear Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling contributors,

We proudly announce that Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling is

Accredited “Rank 2”(Peringkat 2) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No. 34/E/KPT/2018, December 10th, 2018.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to contribute to Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling as a helpful research open source by sending highly qualified paper.

Thank you

Posted: 2018-12-18
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