The Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling as Intervention of Abasement, Aggression, and Endurance of High School Students

I Ketut Gading


Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1) the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with assertive training techniques to increase the nature of abasement, (2) the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with shaping techniques to reduce the nature of aggression, and (3) the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with self-management techniques to increase the nature of endurance. This study employed an experimental study with a pre-test post-test control group. Participants involved were 37 class XI students of the Lab. School Undiksha. To recruit the participants, a purposive sampling technique was used by which the participants were students with low abasement, high aggression, and low endurance. Data were collected using scales that measure the nature of the abasement, aggression, and endurance. To test the hypothesis, the data were analyzed using the t-test. The results showed that: (1) behavioral counseling with assertive training techniques was effective for increasing the nature of abasement, (2) behavioral counseling with shaping techniques was effective to reduce the nature of aggression, and (3) behavioral counseling with self-management techniques was effective for increasing the nature of endurance.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) keefektifan konseling behavioral teknik latihan asertif untuk meningkatkan sifat abasement, (2) keefektifan konseling behavioral dengan teknik shaping untuk mereduksi sifat aggression, dan (3) keefektifan konseling behavioral dengan teknik self-management untuk meningkatkan sifat endurance. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pre-test post-test control group. Sampel atau partisipan penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Sekolah Lab. Undiksha yang berjumlah 37 siswa. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penarikan subjek adalah purposive sampling, dalam hal mana siswa yang menjadi anggota sampel adalah siswa yang memiliki sifat abasement rendah, sifat aggression tinggi, dan sifat endurance rendah. Data dikumpulkan dengan skala pengukuran sifat abasement, skala pengukuran sifat aggression, dan skala pengukuran sifat endurance. Untuk menguji hipotesis, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) konseling behavioral teknik latihan asertif efektif untuk meningkatkan sifat abasement, (2) konseling behavioral teknik shaping efektif untuk mereduksi sifat aggression, dan (3) konseling behavioral teknik self-management efektif untuk meningkatkan sifat endurance.


behavioral counseling; personality traits; abasement; aggression; endurance; konseling behavioral; sifat kepribadian

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