Studi Komparasi Kinerja Konselor dalam Layanan Konseling Individual Berdasarkan Self Evaluation dan Peer Evaluation

Muya Barida, Sutarno Sutarno


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate school counselor performance in organizing individual counseling services using self evaluation and peer evaluation. This study uses descriptive survey approach through descriptive comparative study. Subjects are school counselors in Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially Bantul District. Data analysis used Mann-Whitney U test. Based on result obtained by Mann-Whitney U significance value between self evaluation with peer evaluation is 0,657 (> 0,05). This means that there is no significant difference in counselor performance evaluation based on self evaluation and peer evaluation instruments.

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan evaluasi kinerja konselor sekolah dalam menyelenggarakan layanan konseling individual melalui self evaluation dan peer evaluation. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan descriptive survey melalui rancangan descriptive comparative study. Subjek adalah konselor di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), khususnya Kabupaten Bantul. Teknik analisis menggunakan rumus Mann-Whitney U. Berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai signifikansi Mann-Whitney U antara self evaluation dengan peer evaluation yaitu sebesar 0,657 (>0,05). Artinya tidak ada perbedaan signifikan penilaian kinerja konselor berdasarkan pengisian instrumen self evaluation dan peer evaluation.



self evaluation; peer evaluation; counselor performance; individual counseling; kinerja konselor; konseling individual

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