Persepsi Dosen terhadap Kriteria, Realitas, dan Harapan dalam Pelaksanaan Seleksi Calon Pimpinan Struktural Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

H. M. Huda A. Y.


Abstract: Perception Lecturer against Criteria, Reality and Expectation in the Implementation Selection of Structural Leaders Candidate. Universities and colleges in order to achieve the purpose, requires human resources, institutions, and the quality of leadership that is able to realize the goal. If the faculty of perception is positive, it will affect the creation of a climate conducive working environment, productive, effective, and efficient. The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine the criteria lecturer perception, reality and expectation in the implementation of the leader selection process, which consists of the rector and vice-rector; (2) investigate the implementation of leader selection of faculty in State University of Malang (UM). This study was designed in correlation with a quantitative approach with a qualitative and strengthened. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The results showed perceptions of professors against the criteria, reality, and expectations in the implementation of leader selection in State University of Malang (UM) environment is appropriate.

Abstrak: Persepsi Dosen terhadap Kriteria, Realitas, dan Harapan dalam Pelaksanaan Seleksi Calon Pimpinan Struktural. Perguruan tinggi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan, memerlukan sumber daya manusia, lembaga, dan kualitas pimpinan yang mampu mewujudkan tujuan. Apabila persepsi dosen positif, maka akan berdampak terciptanya iklim lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, produktif, efektif, dan efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk: (1) mengetahui persepsi dosen terhadap kriteria, realita dan harapan dalam pelaksanaan seleksi calon pimpinan, yang terdiri dari rektor dan wakil rektor; (2) mengetahui pelaksanaan seleksi calon pimpinan fakultas di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). Penelitian ini dirancang secara korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan diperkuat dengan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi dosen terhadap kriteria, realita, dan harapan dalam pelaksanaan seleksi calon pimpinan di lingkungan UM sudah sesuai.


perception; criteria; reality; expectation; persepsi; kriteria; realitas; harapan

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