Knowledge Engineering and Data Science

Knowledge Engineering and Data Science (2597-4637), KEDS, brings together researchers, industry practitioners, and potential users, to promote collaborations, exchange ideas and practices, discuss new opportunities, and investigate analytics frameworks on data-driven and knowledge base systems. KEDS is published by depatment of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Unversitas Negeri Malang.

The journal welcomes experimental and theoretical findings on data science and knowledge engineering along with their applications to real-life situations. Comprehensive surveys and book reviews are also welcome. KEDS publishes two series peryear of scientific articles in every 6 months (July, December). Before submission, you have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template:  2017_KEDS_Template.DOC.

Online Submissions

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This journal has been accredited Rank 2 (peringkat 2) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (valid until Vol. 10, No 2, 2027)

Time to First Decision
2 Weeks

Review Time
4 Weeks

Publication Time
2 Weeks

Why publish your article in KEDS?

High visibility

KEDS open access policy endorses published articles an utmost visibility and availability to an expansive public.

Speed of publication

KEDS promotes an expeditious timetable of publication process at the same time sustaining meticulous peer review; all papers are expected to be submitted online, and peer review is wholly conducted in the electronic process (articles are in the form of PDF file generated from the originally submitted files). Accepted articles will be published along with author's final citation in both thoroughly accessible web form and PDF file; the article indeed will be available within KEDS.


KEDS online publication offers a favourable space to publish large datasets, large amount of color illustrations and moving pictures, to expose readable data by other software packages and allow readers in manipulating the data as they require, and to generate all pertinent links (for example, to DOAJ, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles).

Promotion and press coverage

Articles published in promoted within articles alerts and notifications as well as regular email updates. Supplementary, it might be endorsed by press releases to neither the general nor scientific press. These will assuredly broaden the exposure and opportunity of accesses of articles published by KEDS.


Authors of articles published in KEDS possess the copyright of the article and it is within authors' interest to reproduce and disseminate their product (further details are explained in the copyright and license agreement).