Abstrak:Ceiling brick buangan paper sludge salah satu alternatif membuat pelat lantai, secara ekonomis lebih murah dan memiliki kuat tekan setara dengan beton konvensional K300. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Terdapat dua jenis benda uji yang digunakan yaitu berbentuk kubus dengan ukuran 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm untuk mengetahui kualitas bahan ceiling brick dan benda uji berbentuk produk ceiling brick untuk mengetahui kualitas produk ceiling brick. Variasi paper sludge yang digunakan adalah 2, 4, 6, dan 8 persen. Satu benda uji dilakukan dua pengujian yaitu uji fisik (rembesan air) dan mekanik (kuat tekan). Metode penelitian menggunakan analisa statistik One Way dan dilanjutkan analisis Tukey. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Kuat tekan produk ceiling brick dengan campuran paper sludge berurut-urut 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 persen sebesar 8.43 MPa, 9.39 MPa, 11.28 MPa, 10.31 MPa, dan 8.30 MPa. Nilai rata-rata rembesan air produk ceiling brick dengan variasi berurut-urut 0%,2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8%, yaitu sebesar 0.35 ml/menit, 0.37 ml/menit, 0.35 ml/menit, 0.42 ml/menit, dan 0.36 ml/ menit. (2) Kuat tekan mortar kubus ceiling brick dengan campuran paper sludge berurut-urut 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 persen sebesar 105.66 MPa, 112.67 MPa, 104.20 MPa, 98.55 MPa, dan 105.24 MPa. Rembesan air mortar kubus ceiling brick dengan variasi berurut-urut 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 persen, yaitu sebesar 0,59 ml/menit, 0,54 ml/menit, 0,46 ml/menit, 0,27 ml/menit, dan 0,28 ml/menit. (3) Uji kuat tekan dan rembesan air terhadap produk ceiling brick yang telah dicampur paper sludge mengalami perbedaan tetapi tidak signifikan. (4) Uji kuat tekan terhadap mortar kubus ceiling brick yang dicampur paper sludge mengalami perbedaan tetapi tidak signifikan. Sedangkan uji rembesan air tehadap mortar kubus ceiling brick yang dicampur paper sludge mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan. (5) Campuran paper sludge 4 persen pada produk ceiling brick dan campuran paper sludge 2 persen pada mortar kubus ceiling brick menghasilkan kuat tekan optimum.
Kata-kata kunci: paper sludge, limbah kertas, ceiling brick, sifat fisik & mekanik
Abstract: Paper sludge ceiling bricks are an alternative to making floor plates, are economically cheaper and have compressive strength equivalent to conventional K300 concrete. This research is using experimental method. There are two types of specimens used which are cube shaped with a size of 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm to determine the quality of ceiling brick material and specimens in the form of ceiling brick products to determine the quality of ceiling brick products. Paper sludge variations used are 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 percent. One test object was carried out two tests, namely physical test (water seepage) and mechanical (compressive strength). The research method uses One Way statistical analysis and Tukey analysis continues. The results of this study are (1) Compressive strength of brick brick products with a mixture of paper sludge in sequence of 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 percent at 8.43 MPa, 9.39 MPa, 11.28 MPa, 10.31 MPa and 8.30 MPa. The average seepage value of ceiling brick products with sequential variations of 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 percent which is 0.35 ml / minute, 0.37 ml / minute, 0.35 ml / minute, 0.42 ml / minute minutes, and 0.36 ml / minute. (2) Compressive strength of ceiling brick cube mortar with a mixture of paper sludge in a sequence of 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 percent by 105.66 MPa, 112.67 MPa, 104.20 MPa, 98.55 MPa and 105.24 MPa. Mortar cube ceiling water seepage with sequential variations of 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 percent in the amount of 0.59 ml / minute, 0.54 ml / minute, 0.46 ml / minute, 0.27 ml / minute, and 0.28 ml / minute. (3) The compressive strength and water seepage tests on ceiling brick products that have been mixed with paper sludge experience differences but are not significant. (4) Compressive strength test of ceiling brick cube mortar mixed with paper sludge is different but not significant. While the water seepage test of ceiling brick cube mortar mixed with paper sludge experienced a significant difference. (5) 4 percent paper sludge mixture in ceiling brick products and 2 percent paper sludge mixture in ceiling brick cube mortars produce optimum compressive strength.
Keywords: paper sludge, waste paper, ceiling brick, physical & mechanical properties
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um071v25i12020p41-52
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