Nikmatul Azizah; Boedi Rahardjo


Abstrak:Tujuan dari penelitian ini (a) mendeskripsikan sifat fisik dan mekanik bahan-bahan penyusun campuran HRS-WC dan (b) mendeskripsikan kinerja campuran HRS-WC filler abu ampas tebu. Metode penelitian ini meliputi (1) persiapan bahan dan alat; (2) Pengujian bahan meliputi agregat, filler, dan aspal (3) pembuatan benda uji (4) pengujian Marshall, dan (5) penentuan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (a) pemeriksaanagregat kasar untuk berat jenis bulk 2,54 gram/cm3, berat jenis SSD 2,57 gram/cm3, dan berat jenis semu 2,63 gram/cm3, penyerapan 1,2 percent, dan keausan agregat sebesar 34,8 percent, sedangkan untuk agregat halus menunjukkan berat jenis bulk 2,5 gram/cm3, berat jenis SSD 2,55 gram/cm3, dan berat jenis semu 2,61 gram/cm3, penyerapan air 1,63 percent; (b) KAO campuran sebesar 7,25 percent; (c) pengujian campuran dengan alat Marshall diperoleh nilai parameter Marshall pada KAO yaitu, nilai stabilitas 1244,43 kg, kelelehan (flow) 3,98 mm, Marshall Quotient (MQ) 319,22 kg/mm, nilai Void in Mixture (VIM) sebesar 5,31 percent, nilai Void in Mineral Agregate (VMA) 18,67 percent, dan nilai Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB) sebesar 72,03 percent.

Kata-kata kunci: Kinerja Marshall, HRS-WC, Filler Abu Ampas Tebu.

Abstract: The aim of this research are (a) describe the physical and mechanical characteristics of materials that arranging of HRS-WC mixture and (b) describe performance of HRS-WC mixture using bagasse ash as filler. Methode this research consist of (1) preparing material and equipment; (2) testing material as aggregate, filler, and asphalt (3) make sample test (4) Marshall Test, and (5) determine optimum asphalt containt (KAO) . The result of this research (a) course aggregates test for bulk specific gravity is 2,54 gram/cm3, SSD specific gravity is 2,57 gram/cm3, and apparent specific gravity is 2,63 gram/cm3, absorption 1,2 percent, and resistance to abrasion aggregate is 34,8 percent, meanwhile result of fine aggregates test showed thatbulk specific gravity is 2,5 gram/cm3, SSD specific gravity is2,55 gram/cm3, and apparent specific gravity is 2,61 gram/cm3, absorption 1,63 percent; (b) optimum asphalt content (KAO)of mixture is 7,25 percent; (c) Marshall Test of this mixture resulting Marshall parameters values at KAO arestability 1244,43 kg, flow 3,98 mm, Marshall Quotient (MQ) 319,22 kg/mm, Void in Mixture (VIM) 5,31 percent, Void in Mineral Agregate (VMA) 18,67 percent, and Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB) value is72,03 percent.

Keywords: Marshall Performance, HRS-WC, Bagasse Ash as Filler


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