Hybrid Method for Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) Rotation using FA-ANFIS

Muhammad Agil Haikal, Machrus Ali, Irrine Budi S, Faridah Hanim Binti Mohd Noh


PMSM uses the principle of Faraday's experiment by rotating a magnet in a coil by utilizing another energy source. When the magnet moves in the coil or vice versa. The rotation of the machine will change the flux of magnetic force on the coil and penetrate perpendicularly to the coil so that a potential difference arises between the ends of the coil. It is caused by a change in magnetic flux. The Firefly Algorithm (FA) method has been proven successful in overcoming system optimization problems. Modifying the FA is expected to improve its performance of the FA. To get the best control method, it is necessary to vary the speed control model. This study compares the PMSM speed control without a controller, PID Control, PID-FA, and PID-FA-ANFIS. The simulation results show that the best model on the PID-FA-ANFIS controller which is closest to the Speed Reff (2980 rpm) is that PID-FA-ANFIS obtains a rotation profile with the smallest undershot, the fastest steady state, the best output current profile, the best torque profile, and the best stress profile. The results of this study will be followed by other uses of artificial intelligence.    


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um049v4i2p09-19


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