Temperature Monitoring Efficiency With Internet of Things-Based Temperature Sensor Variations

IGN Sangka, IGS Widharma, IN Sunaya, IM Sajayasa, IGP Arka


This research was conducted in the lab. Automation to measure temperature by several temperature sensors monitored through Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The method used is a quantitative method with experiments. The temperature monitoring system with a variety of temperature sensors based on the Internet of Things (IoT) can work well. The difference in temperature measurements taken through the IoT simulation within 1 hour between the sensors used has a small value, an average of 0.07 Celsius. This means that the precession level of each sensor is relatively good. The need for calibration on the sensor in order to obtain the best measurement results. Noting the results of the above analysis, it is recommended that users conduct a more in-depth study to obtain a more appropriate (actual) value. This analysis can also be taken into consideration for users to develop IoT-based monitoring systems in the future.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um049v5i2p81-87


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