Zaqueu Antonio Freitas


ABSTRACT: The importance of the role of a leadership for an organization is a determining factor in the success of the organization, whether small, medium or high organizations. The existence of a leader in an organization has an important role in leading, directing and influencing his subordinates. Thus, a leader is needed to manage and regulate the organization to achieve its goals. This study aims to examine the importance of the role of leadership in organizations with a literature approach. This type of research is a research with a literature study approach which is carried out by finding theoretical references that are in accordance with the cases obtained. The leader is someone who has positive motivation and is full of confidence by having a vision, mission and high ethical values, responsibility and has the ability to convey ideas and are able to encourage and negotiate well with others. Leadership will be a determining factor for success in an organization. This is because leadership is the central point so that it can determine significant changes in the organization, leadership is like having a personality that has an impact and leadership is the art of creating conformity and stability in an organization in order to achieve predetermined goals. Keywords: Organizational Leadership


Organizational Leadership

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