Exploratory Factor Analysis for The Development of The 49-Item Children’s Reading Motivation Scale (Crms-49)
Reading is crucial and serves as a fundamental
building block for learning. There are different instruments
available to assess the reading motivation of grade school children
but, caution and careful thought is required because the validity and
reliability of these measures cannot be generalized for use due to
cultural and contextual differences. The aim of the study was to
create a valid and reliable self-report measure of the reading
motivation of 280 intermediate-grade school pupils. The results of
the analysis confirmed that the 49-item Children’s Reading
Motivation Scale (CRMS) developed in this study accounted for
28.4% of the variance with three factors such as children's reading
self-efficacy, parental autonomy-supportive reading practices, and
children's reading and behavioral problems. The Cronbach’s α of
the tool was between 0.793 to 0.864 among the three factors
identified. The measure obtained good construct validity and will
prove a useful tool to help Filipino teachers determine the
intermediate graders’ motivation to read through their self-efficacy
in reading, support practices of their parents in reading, and their
reading and behavioral problems.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um043v6i1p1-16
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