A Report Review: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning

Weny Kritandani, Renaningtyas Aryani, Tetta Rakasiwi


This review provides an insightful overview of "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning," a policy report by the United States Department of Education. Keywords such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) development, policy-making, ethics, equity, collaboration, and human-centric approach are emphasised throughout. The review highlights the report's comprehensive analysis, actionable recommendations, and emphasis on inclusive policy-making processes. It underscores the significance of understanding AI's multifaceted nature, its potential to enhance education, and the importance of safeguarding privacy and equity. Practical examples and case studies are discussed, along with recommendations for aligning AI with educational goals. Overall, the review positions the report as a valuable resource for policymakers, educators, and technology developers, guiding them toward responsible AI integration in education.


artificial intelligence, education policy, policy recommendations, inclusive policy-making, learning outcomes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um043v6i2p245-253


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