Abstrak: The study investigates the relation of the readiness for change of an elementary school teacher in Jakarta and its vicinity with the kind of organization culture and organizational support he/she experiences from the school. The background is the context of many changes faced by teachers, as a result from changes of government policies related to education, as well as changes affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is quantitative in nature, through questionnaire and statistical analysis, using readiness for change, competing values framework, and perceived organizational support as constructs. Results suggest that in order to have teachers that are ready to change, the school culture should encourage teachers to innovate and adapt, nurturing a healthy relationship and good team building, appreciating teachers’ effort, and providing a clear target and direction.
Keywords: Readiness for change, competing values framework, perceived organizational support, elementary school teacher.
Abstrak: Kajian ini menyelidiki hubungan kesiapan menghadapi perubahan pada guru sekolah dasar di Jakarta dan sekitarnya terhadap jenis budaya organisasi dan dukungan organisasi yang dialami di sekolah. Latar belakang studi ini adalah banyaknya perubahan yang dihadapi guru, sebagai akibat dari perubahan kebijakan sistem pendidikan, maupun perubahan yang akibat pandemi Covid-19. Studi ini bersifat kuantitatif, menggunakan kuesioner dan analisis statistik serta regresi. Konstruk penelitian adalah readiness for change, competing values framework, and perceived organizational support. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk memiliki guru yang siap berubah, budaya sekolah harus mendorong guru untuk berinovasi dan beradaptasi, membina hubungan yang sehat dalam team building yang baik, menghargai upaya guru, serta memberikan arah dan sasaran yang jelas.
Kata Kunci: Kesiapan untuk perubahan, kerangka nilai bersaing, dukungan organisasi yang dirasakan, guru sekolah dasar.
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