Sasi Maulina, Aulia Nur Firdausi, Arif Prastiawan, Fitria Yuliati Wiludjeng, Erika Mei Budiarti, Maulana Amirul Adha


Abstract: Student satisfaction with the services provided by higher education institutions is the main goal that must always be pursued. The purpose of this study is to determine the student satisfaction index to the department's administrative services. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach, with a survey method. The population in this study were students of the AP FIP UM Department with a total sample of 186 students. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire. The variable in this research is student satisfaction which is analyzed by descriptive satisfaction index. Based on the results of the analysis of the student satisfaction index on the department's administrative services, (1) in total it is in the very high satisfaction zone; (2) aspects of tangibles are in the zone of high satisfaction, while aspects of reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are in the zone of very high satisfaction; and (3) Class of 2020 has the highest satisfaction index, followed by class of 2019, 2017 and the lowest is 2018.


Keywords: satisfaction index; administrative services; higher education


Abstrak: Kepuasan mahasiswa atas layanan yang diberikan oleh institusi peruguruan tinggi merupakan tujuan utama yang harus senantiasa diusahakan. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni mengetahui indeks kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administrasi jurusan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan metode survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa Jurusan AP FIP UM dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 186 mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan yakni angket tertutup. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yakni kepuasan mahasiswa yang dianalisis dengan Indeks kepuasan secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis indeks kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administrasi Jurusan, (1) secara total masuk dalam zona kepuasan sangat tinggi; (2) aspek tangibles berada dalam zona kepuasan tinggi, sementara aspek reliability, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty berada dalam zona kepuasan sangat tinggi; dan (3) Angkatan 2020 memiliki indeks kepuasan tertinggi, diikuti angkatan 2019, 2017 dan terendah yakni 2018.


Kata Kunci: indeks kepuasan; layanan administrasi; perguruan tinggi 

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