Abstract: Strada Association is an educational community belonging to the Archdiocese of Jakarta which was founded by three Jesuits. The establishment and management of the Strada Association has until now been entrusted to the Society of Jesus. Strada's long history indicates that there are characteristics of Jesuit education to be found there. However, since its inception, the characteristics of Jesuit education have not been clearly revealed in the manual on how to act for teachers and leadership elements within the Strada Association. The purpose of this research is to find out the important elements, and the ways in which Branch Head, Supervisor, Principals, and teachers to experience fully, live, and implement the characteristics of Jesuit education in the Strada Association. Through qualitative research methods, researcher seeks to find the characteristics of Jesuit education through in-depth interviews, with key persons (informants), namely people who the author believes know about the situation of the Strada Association. Data analysis was carried out by observing the appreciation, livelihood, and implementation of the characteristics of Jesuit education. The results of the study indicate that the characteristics of Jesuit education in general have been, and are being lived, lived, and implemented by the interviewed informants. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the characteristics of Jesuit education can be found in the Strada Association community.
Keywords: college; characteristics; Strada; and formation
Abstrak: Perkumpulan Strada merupakan komunitas pendidikan milik Keuskupan Agung Jakarta yang didirikan oleh tiga Jesuit. Pendirian dan pengelolaan Perkumpulan Strada hingga sekarang dipercayakan kepada Serikat Jesus. Sejarah Strada yang panjang, mengindikasikan ada karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit yang dapat ditemukan di sana. Akan tetapi sejak awal pendiriannya karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit belum terungkap secara jelas dalam buku pedoman cara bertindak para guru dan unsur pimpinan di lingkungan Perkumpulan Strada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur penting, dan cara Kepala Cabang, Pengawas, para Kepala Sekolah, dan guru dalam menghayati, menghidupi, serta melaksanakan karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit di Perkumpulan Strada. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif, peneliti berupaya menemukan karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit melalui wawancara mendalam, dengan key person (informan) yaitu orang-orang yang penulis yakini mengetahui tentang keadaan Perkumpulan Strada. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pengamatan terhadap penghayatan, penghidupan, dan pelaksanaan karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit secara umum sudah, dan sedang dihayati, dihidupi, dan dilaksanakan oleh para informan yang diwawancarai. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah karakteristik pendidikan Jesuit dapat ditemukan di dalam komunitas Perkumpulan Strada.
Kata kunci: kolese; karakteristik; Strada; dan formasi
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um027v4i42021p331
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