Mohammad Iqbal Firdaus, Putri Nur Azizah, Rohmatu Sa'adah


Abstrak: Usaha Menengah, Kecil, dan Mikro (UMKM) yang berdiri di Desa Gedog Wetan, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang sebagai pilar penting yang menjadi penyangga perekonomian bagi masyarakat Desa Gedog Wetan. Hal ini ditandai dengan rata-rata mata pencaharian masyarakat sebagai pelaku industri, yaitu industri tahu, industri sangkar burung, dan industri pandai besi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pelaku industri di Desa Gedog Wetan masih menggunakan cara-cara konvensional dalam upaya pemasaran produk di mana hasil produksi akan dijual kepada pengepul yang sudah menjadi konsumen tetapnya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, pelaku usaha tersebut mengaku masih kesulitan dalam memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi saat ini, sehingga sasaran pasar mereka masih sangat terbatas. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yaitu dengan melakukan observasi kepada pelaku usaha untuk melihat kendala yang mereka hadapi secara langsung. Dilanjutkan dengan metode pengarahan melalui pemaparan materi melalui sosialisasi guna memperdalam strategi-strategi yang dapat pelaku industri lakukan untuk lebih memperluas pangsa pasar. Hasil dari pemaparan materi ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk memperluas pasar produksi sebaiknya memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi saat ini sehingga lebih memaksimalkan income usaha. Selain itu, dalam usaha pemasaran hendaklah menonjolkan suatu hal yang menjadi ciri khas dari produk yang diciptakan sehingga mampu bersaing dengan pangsa pasar luas.


Abstract: Medium, Small, and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) are established in Gedog Wetan Village, Turen District, Malang Regency as an important pillar that supports the economy for the people of Gedog Wetan Village. This is indicated by the average livelihood of the community as industry players, namely the tofu industry, bird cage industry, and blacksmith industry. In practice, industrial players in Gedog Wetan Village still use conventional methods in product marketing efforts where the products will be sold to collectors who have become permanent consumers. Based on the results of observations, these business actors admit that they are still having difficulties in utilizing current advances in information technology, so that their target market is still very limited. This activity uses an approach method, namely by observing business actors to see the obstacles they face directly. Followed by the method of direction through the presentation of material through socialization in order to deepen the strategies that industry players can do to further expand market share. The results of the presentation of this material indicate that in order to expand the production market, it is better to take advantage of current technological developments so as to maximize business income. In addition, the marketing effort should highlight something that is the hallmark of the product created so that it can compete with a broad market share. Followed by the directive method through material presentation through socialization in order to deepen the strategies that industry players can do to further expand market share. The results of the presentation of this material indicate that in order to expand the production market, it is better to take advantage of current technological developments so as to maximize business income. In addition, the marketing effort should highlight something that is characteristic of the product created so that it can compete with a broad market share. Followed by the directive method through material presentation through socialization in order to deepen the strategies that industry players can do to further expand market share. The results of the presentation of this material indicate that in order to expand the production market, it is better to take advantage of current technological developments so as to maximize business income. In addition, the marketing effort should highlight something that is characteristic of the product created so that it can compete with a broad market share.


strategi pemasaran, teknologi, UMKM

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