Achmad Jasuli Afandi


This research aims to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and achievement motivation. The subject of this research is students of XI class of science departmenthigh school 1of Probolinggo city. The overall subjects involved in this research are 151 students. Data collection method is an achievement motivation scale, intelligence scale, emotional and self-efficacy scale. Data analysis was done by regression analysis techniques. The result showed that: 1)there is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and achievement motivation, retrieved F score = 35.295 with p = 0.000 (p < 0,01) with an effective contribution 32.3%; 2)There is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and achievement motivation, retrieved t score = 4.991 and p = 0,000 (p < 0,01), with an effective contribution 14.3%; 3)there is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation, retrieved t score = 7.841 and p = 0,000 (p < 0,01), with an effective contribution 29.2%. Thus, the hypothesis of this research is accepted.


Emotional Intelligence, self-efficacy, achievement motivation


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