Nur Hidayati


The purpose of this study is to increase the students’ motivation and learning achievement of science through guided inquiry learning with Number Heads Together for the students of class VIII.6 SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo. This study was Classroom Action Research that was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four meetings with time allocation 2x40 minutes each. The subjects of the study were the students of class VIII.6 SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo. They consisted of 28 students. The research was conducted in October to November 2012. Students’motivation is known from questionnaires and observation sheets of student motivation comprising four indicators, namely attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The results of students' learning achievement are known from psychomotoric observations and cognitive achievement. The results of the research indicated that an increase in the average percentage of the observation of students' motivation was 9.26% (from 68.12% in cycle 1 increased to 77.38% in cycle 1). The increase of cycle 1 was 3.36 with GOOD degree. The increase of cycle 2 was 4.03 with VERY GOOD degree. The increase of students' motivation on each indicator was attention increased 18.54%, relevance increased 0.91%, confidence increased 3.96%, and satisfaction increased 13.63%. The average of students’cognitive learning achievement increased 21.42% (from 76.57 in cycle 1 to 82.32 in cycle 2).  The result increase of students’ psychomotoric learning was 82.11% in cycle 1 to 83.87% in cycle 2. It can be concluded that guided inquiry learning through Numbered Heads Together Cooperative Strategy can increase motivation and learning achievement of science for the students grade VIII.6 at SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo.




Guided Inquiry, Numbered Heads Together, Learning Motivation, Learning Achievement.

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