Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Dalam Merancang Permainan dan Olahraga di Sekolah Dasar Melalui Forum KKG

Mu'arifin Mu'arifin, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Prayogi Dwina Angga


Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (PJOK) dalam menyelenggarakan pembelajaran, khususnya dalam merancang model permainan berbasis Teaching Game for Understanding (TGfU) yang digunakan untuk mendidik siswa melalui gerak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di forum KKGO Kecamatan Paga Kabupaten Malang dengan melibatkan 30 guru PJOK. Metode pelatihan menggunakan model workshop dan lesson study. Keberhasilan pelatihan dapat dicermati secara proses dan hasil, yaitu tingginya tingkat partisipasi dan semangat guru dalam mengikuti pelatihan, dan dihasilkannnya produk yang pelatihan berupa bentuk-bentuk permainan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran, serta tersusunnya rancangan pembelajaran yang relevan dengan kebutuhan guru.


Kata Kunci: Model permainan, pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan, kompetensi guru




This community service activity aims to improve the ability of Physical Education and Health (PJOK) teachers in carrying out learning, especially in designing game models based on Teaching Game for Understanding (TGfU) which are used to educate students through movement. This activity was carried out at the KKGO forum, Pagak District in Malang Regency, involving 30 PJOK teachers. The training method used in this study was a workshop model and lesson study. The success of the training can be observed in terms of the process and results, namely the high level of participation and enthusiasm of teachers in participating in the training, and the production of training products in the form of games used in learning, as well as the preparation of learning designs that are relevant to the needs of teachers.

Keywords:  Game models, Learning physical education, sports and health, Teacher competence


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