Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Melalui Pelatihan Flipped Classroom Bagi Guru Penjas

Rama Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Prisca Widiati


Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas merupakan kebijakan pemerintah yang perlu didukung dan dipersiapkan dengan baik. Guru perlu memilih strategi yang tepat agar pembelajaran dari rumah bisa dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. Flipped classroom diyakini sebagai salah satu model yang bisa meningkatkan partisipasi dan capaian belajar siswa. Namun tidak banyak guru penjas yang mengetahui adanya model tersebut. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan sebanyak 87% guru penjas yang belum mengetahui dan memahami model flipped classroom. Pelatihan ini menggunakan 4 tahapan metode yaitu ceramah, penugasan, pengukuran hasil, dan Tindak lanjut hasil. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran pemahaman terhadap pelatihan didapatkan hasil bahwa ada perubahan pemahaman dari skor rata-rata 52 menjadi 71. Sedangkan tanggapan peserta untuk evaluasi pelaksanaan pelatihan sangat baik dan antusias. Peserta juga memberikan masukan terkait pelatihan tindkalanjut secara luring dan melakukan praktik pembelajaran di lapangan. Melalui pengabdian ini juga dapat diwujudkan luaran berupa produk modul pedoman pembelajarn penjas di tingkat SMP. Produk tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran masing-masing.


Kata kunci pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas, flipped classroom, pendidikan jasmani





 Limited Face-to-face Learning is a government policy that needs to be supported and well prepared. Teachers need to choose the right strategy so that learning from home can be done effectively and efficiently. The flipped classroom learning is believed to be one of the models that can increase student participation and learning achievement. However, not many PE teachers are aware of this model. Based on a preliminary study, as many as 87% of PE teachers did not know and understand the flipped classroom model. This training uses a 4-step method, namely lectures, assignments, measuring results, and following up on results. Based on assesment of understanding of the themes, it was rseulted that there was a increase in understanding from an average score of 52 to 71. Meanwhile, the participant's responses to the evaluation of the training were very good and enthusiastic. Participants also provide input related to offline follow-up training and practice learning in the field. Through this service, outputs can also be realized in the form of physical education learning guide module products at the junior high school level. The product is expected to help teachers in the implementation of their respective learning.


Keywords Limited Face-to-face Learning, flipped classroom, physical education

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