Agung Haryono, Ro’ufah Inayati, Sri Handayani, Yogi Dwi Satrio


Masalah kualitas pembelajaran ekonomi menjadi perhatian utama para pendidik ekonomi, sebab minat siswa SMA terhadap pelajaran ekonomi semakin menurun. Terbukti dengan menurunnya siswa yang mengambil mata uji ekonomi pada saat ujian nasional. Upaya perbaikan proses pembelajaran dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan kualitas guru, lingkungan belajar dan sumber belajar. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran melalui lesson study. Dengan Lesson Studyguru dapat melakukan kolaborasi dalam menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran dan refleksi setelah pelaksanaan guna perbaikan pembelajaran selanjutnya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan tiga tahap, yaitu sosialisasi, pendampingan dan implementasi di sekolah. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa dari 25 peserta pelatihan, 25 orang aktif selama sosialisasi,20 orang aktif pendampingan dan 15 orang yang mampu mengimplementasikan perencanaan dalam lesson study.


Kata kunci: lesson study, pelajaran ekonomi



The problem of the quality of economic learning is the main concern of economic educators, because the interest of high school students in learning economics is decreasing. Evidenced by the decline in students who took the eye of economic tests at the national exam. Efforts to improve the learning process can be done through improving teacher quality, learning environment and learning resources. The purpose of this activity is to improve the ability of teachers to carry out the learning process through lesson study. With Lesson Studythe teacher can collaborate in developing learning plans and reflections after implementation to improve subsequent learning. The activities are carried out in three stages, namely socialization, mentoring and implementation in schools. The results of the activity showed that out of 25 trainees, 25 were active during the socialization, 20 active mentoring people and 15 people were able to implement the planning in the lesson study.


Key Words: Lesson Study, economics



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