Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan dan capaian supervisi pembelajaran melalui daring di SMA Negeri 10 Malang. Instrumen supervisi disusun berdasarkan pengalaman melaksanakan kegiatan lesson study. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proportionate stratified random sampling. Para guru terbagi ke dalam tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok baby boomer, generasi X, dan generasi Y. Hasil penelitian supervisi pembelajaran melalui daring menunjukkan, bahwa pada tahap pra supervisi, kemampuan guru dalam menyiapkan pembelajaran dari terendah ke tertinggi secara berurutan adalah kelompok guru baby boomer, kemudian kelompok guru generasi X kelompok guru generasi Y memiliki kemampuan sama. Pada tahap kunjungan kelas persentase ketercapaian kegiatan awal dalam pembelajaran, dari tingkatan terendah ke tertinggi diperoleh kelompok guru generasi X, kemudian generasi Y, dan selanjutnya kelompok guru baby boomer. Dalam proses pembelajaran kegiatan inti, ketercapaian kegiatan dari rendah ke tertinggi diperoleh oleh kelompok guru baby boomer, generasi X, dan generasi Y, sedangkan ketercapaian kegiatan penutup dalam pembelajaran dari urutan terendah ke tertinggi, diperoleh kelompok generasi X, diikuti kelompok guru Baby Boomer, dan kelompok guru generasi Y. Pada tahap pasca supervisi, diperoleh data kendala dan solusi yang berbeda dari kelompok guru baby boomer, guru generasi X , dan guru generasi Y.
Abstract. This study aims to describe the implementation and achievements of online learning supervision at SMA Negeri 10 Malang. The supervision instrument was prepared based on the experience of carrying out lesson study activities. The sampling technique was carried out by proportionate stratified random sampling. The teachers were divided into three groups, namely the baby boomer group, generation X, and generation Y. The results of online learning supervision research showed that at the pre-supervision stage, the teacher's ability to prepare learning from lowest to highest in sequence was the baby boomer teacher group, then the group of teachers of generation X, group of teachers of generation Y have the same ability. At the class visit stage, the percentage of achievement of the initial activities in learning, from the lowest to the highest level, was obtained by the X generation teacher group, then the Y generation teacher group, and then the baby boomer teacher group. In the learning process for core activities, the achievement of activities from the lowest to the highest was obtained by the baby boomer, generation X, and generation Y teacher groups, while the achievement of closing activities in learning from the lowest to the highest order was obtained by the X generation group, followed by the Baby Boomer teacher group, and Generation Y teacher group. In the post-supervision stage, data on different constraints and solutions were obtained from the baby boomer teacher group, generation X teacher, and generation Y teacher.
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