Analyzing the impact of Jakarta’s reclamation on the distribution of TSS using remote sensing technology

Mutia Kamalia Mukhtar


Jakarta Bay is a bay supporting the economy of thousands of nearby fishermen. Therefore, the reclamation in Jakarta Bay raises many environmental, economic, and social problems. During this reclamation, dredging and stockpiling activities increase the turbidity of the waters. This research aims to determine the changes in the distribution of total suspended solids (TSS) after reclamation using Sentinel 2A satellite imagery from 2016 to 2022. This research implemented the previous algorithm to produce the distribution of TSS in Jakarta Bay for attaining TSS values from Sentinel 2A satellite imagery processed by Google Earth Engine with overlay analysis method in a geographic information system. Spatial data were obtained by extracting TSS values using the previous estimation algorithm, namely the Budhiman algorithm, with a correlation coefficient of -0.745 and NMAE of 0.167. Based on the data processing results, it was found that the distribution of TSS from 2016 to 2022 was at a moderate level, which had a relatively significant influence on fisheries, requiring the fishermen to go to the open sea farther from the coast. This shows that reclamation carries no impact on the life of marine biota in Jakarta Bay.


Jakarta Bay; reclamation; sentinel 2A; total suspended solids

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