Decision Support System Determination of Main Work Unit In WPP-711 Using Fuzzy TOPSIS
Decision-making to determine the working units for being prioritized to be developed in order to improve fishery monitoring in WPP-711 is imperative. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries should make no mismatch decision-making through long-term calculation and analysis. The problem of determining the priority of working units is a complex problem, thus it is required to find an appropriate method to avoid a missmatch decision. TOPSIS is a decision-making method capable of solving multi-criteria problems. TOPSIS working principle determines the alternative by considering the shortest distance from the positive ideal alternative and furthest from the ideal negative solution. To improve the performance of TOPSIS, this research is integrated with Fuzzy logic with the aim of giving the right numeric value preference. From the test of 11 alternatives of 6 criteria, the priority of development of fishery monitoring in FMA 711 is: Pontianak Working Unit= 0.917, Batam Working Unit = 0.791 Natuna Working Unit = 0.685 and Tanjung Pinang Working Unit = 0.607. Furthermore, the ranking result will be used as the basis for determining the strategy in increasing the monitoring of WPP-711 to minimize State losses due to the illegal fishing within Indonesia’s WPP-711 Regions.
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