Human Intestinal Condition Identification based-on Blended Spatial and Morphological Feature using Artificial Neural Network Classifier

Ummi Athiyah, Arif Wirawan Muhammad, Ahmad Azhari


Colon cancer is a type of disease that attacks the intestinal walls cell of humans. Colorectal endoscopic screening technique is a common step carried out by the health expert/gynecologist to determine the condition of the human intestine. Manual interpretation requires quite a long time to reach a result. Along with the development of increasingly advanced digital computing techniques, then some of the weaknesses of the manually endoscopic image interpretation analysis model can be corrected by automating the detection process of the presence or absence of cancerous cells in the gut. Identification of human intestinal conditions using an artificial neural network method with the blended input feature produces a higher accuracy value compared to the artificial neural network with the non-blended input feature. The difference in classifier performance produced between the two is quite significant, that is equal to 0.065 (6.5%) for accuracy; 0.074 (7.4%) for recall; 0.05 (5.0%) for precision; and 0.063 (6.3%) for f-measure.

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