Detection of Disease and Pest of Kenaf Plant Based on Image Recognition with VGGNet19
One of the advantages of Kenaf fiber as an environmental management product that is currently in the center of attention is the use of Kenaf fiber for luxury car interiors with environmentally friendly plastic materials. The opportunity to export Kenaf fiber raw material will provide significant benefits, especially in the agricultural sector in Indonesia. However, there are problems in several areas of Kenaf's garden, namely plants that are attacked by diseases and pests, which cause reduced yields and even death. This problem is caused by the lack of expertise and working hours of extension workers as well as farmers' knowledge about Kenaf plants which have a terrible effect on Kenaf plants. The development of information technology can be overcome by imparting knowledge into machines known as artificial intelligence. In this study, the Convolutional Neural Network method was applied, which aims to identify symptoms and provide information about disease symptoms in Kenaf plants based on images so that early control of plant diseases can be carried out. Data processing trained directly from kenaf plantations obtained an accuracy of 57.56% for the first two classes of introduction to the VGGNet19 architecture and 25.37% for the four classes of the second introduction to the VGGNet19 architecture. The 5×5 block matrix input feature has been added in training to get maximum results.
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