Face Images Classification using VGG-CNN
Image classification is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In facial recognition, image classification can speed up the training process and also significantly improve accuracy. The use of deep learning methods in facial recognition has been commonly used. One of them is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method which has high accuracy. Furthermore, this study aims to combine CNN for facial recognition and VGG for the classification process. The process begins by input the face image. Then, the preprocessor feature extractor method is used for transfer learning. This study uses a VGG-face model as an optimization model of transfer learning with a pre-trained model architecture. Specifically, the features extracted from an image can be numeric vectors. The model will use this vector to describe specific features in an image. The face image is divided into two, 17% of data test and 83% of data train. The result shows that the value of accuracy validation (val_accuracy), loss, and loss validation (val_loss) are excellent. However, the best training results are images produced from digital cameras with modified classifications. Val_accuracy's result of val_accuracy is very high (99.84%), not too far from the accuracy value (94.69%). Those slight differences indicate an excellent model, since if the difference is too much will causes underfit. Other than that, if the accuracy value is higher than the accuracy validation value, then it will cause an overfit. Likewise, in the loss and val_loss, the two values are val_loss (0.69%) and loss value (10.41%).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um018v4i12021p49-54
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