Recognition of Handwritten Javanese Script using Backpropagation with Zoning Feature Extraction

Anik Nur Handayani, Heru Wahyu Herwanto, Katya Lindi Chandrika, Kohei Arai


Backpropagation is part of supervised learning, in which the training process requires a target. The resulting error is transmitted back to the units below in its training process. Backpropagation can solve complicated problems because it consumes less memory than other algorithms. In addition, it also can produce solutions with a low error rate while executing less time. In image pattern recognition, backpropagation can be utilized for cultural preservation in many places worldwide, including Indonesia. It is used to recognize picture patterns in Javanese script writings. This study concluded that feature extraction approaches, zoning, and backpropagation could be utilized to distinguish handwritten Javanese characters. The best accuracy is attained at 77.00%, with the network architecture comprising 64 input neurons, 40 hidden neurons, a learning rate of 0.003, a momentum of 0.03, and an iteration of 5000.


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