EEG Classification while Listening to Murottal Al-Quran and Classical Music using Random Forest Method

Heni Sumarti, Fahira Septiani, Agus Sudarmanto, Wahyu Caesarendra, Rizki Edmi Edison


This study is aimed to classify the brain activity of adolescents associated with audio stimuli; murottal Al-Quran and classical music.  The raw data were filtered using Independent Component Analisys (ICA) and followed by band-pass filter in Python on the Google Colab Extraction was processed with Power Spectral Density (PSD) and the Random Forest Method in Weka Machine Learning was used for classification.  The research results showed the same results between the two types of stimulation, namely the order of brain waves from highest to lowest were delta, alpha, theta and beta. The average brain waves of teenagers when given murottal al-Quran stimulation were 45.32% delta, 31.60% alpha, 17.02 theta and 6.05% beta. Meanwhile, the average brain waves of teenagers when given classical music stimulation were 46.54% delta, 28.64% alpha, 19.21% theta and 5.50% beta. Classification is obtained with the best value that frequently appears (mode) from the prediction results for each sample using random forest methods. The accuracy, precision, and recall of classifying adolescent brain waves when given murottal and classical music stimuli using the Random Forest method with cross-validation technique (optimum at k-fold=5) were 65.38%, 76.92%, and 70.00%, respectively.  The results of this study show that stimulation using murottal al-Quran and classical music effectively improves adolescent relaxation conditions.

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