Learners’ Perceptions about TikTok Tutorial Videos as Instructional Media in Learning Statistics

Kusumadyahdewi Kusumadyahdewi, Kusumarasdyati Kusumarasdyati


Introductory statistics has been considered an anxiety-inducing course by undergraduates so efforts need to be done to reduce or eliminate their negative attitudes about statistics. One of such efforts is using TikTok tutorial videos as instructional media. The current study aimed to find out the undergraduates’ perceptions about the use of TikTok tutorial videos in introductory statistics classes, describe the challenges they encountered in using the videos and elicit their feedback to overcome these challenges. The results showed that in general they had favorable perceptions about the use of TikTok tutorial videos, but they reported three challenges: the speed, the backsounds and the instructions of the tutorial videos. Therefore, they suggested solutions for the challenges, and added some other feedback about other aspects of the videos, namely, the quality of the pictures, the content and the links. Implications for the teaching of introductory statistics are proposed based on these findings.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um010v4i22021p80-85


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