Development Of Android-Based Learning Media With Social Constructivism Approach As Supporting Students’ Self-Regulated Learning In Vocational School

Khoirudin Asfani, Muhammad Bakhrur Rizki


Observations and interviews at SMK in Malang City had been carried out. The results were (1) the lack of students’ adaptation in following the learning process; (2) students' lack of awareness of the importance of the learning process; (3) lack of student learning independence; (4) the use of technology media that was deemed inappropriate during learning; and (5) the learning outcomes of some students who hadn’t reached the score standard. This research and development were aimed to develop, test the feasibility, and determine the effectiveness of learning media in the form of the "M-KJD" application on students' self-regulated learning. This research and development used ADDIE development model. Material validation by 2 experts and media validation by an expert obtained results in the form of a very good product feasibility score. The results of the product testing to 2 large groups got a score stating the high feasibility of the application and the influence level of the media on students' self-regulated learning stated "very influential". From the results of this study, it could be concluded that (1) the feasibility of the product developed after going through the evaluation stages as a whole obtained the results in the form of "very feasible" criteria and (2) the implementation of the product in learning was able to increase student learning independence with results in the form of fairly good criteria.

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
 Published by Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri   Malang, Indonesia
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