Development Of Interactive Learning Multimedia With Challenge Based Learning To Empower Vocational Students’ Problem-Solving Ability

Muhammad Ardian Irfanudin, Harits Ar Rosyid


Based on the results of observations and interviews at SMK Negeri 12 Malang and several SMKs in Malang, it shows that, (1) Lack of adequate and easily accessible learning resources; (2) Learning resources only rely on material demonstrations with the help of .pdf and .ppt files; (3) The low problem solving ability of students in solving programming problems; (4) The material only refers to BSE whose competence is not in accordance with the current curriculum; and (5) Lack of use of smartphones by students in learning activities. This research and development aim to develop, test the feasibility, and determine the effect of PWDPB application learning media on students' problem-solving abilities. The research and development model adopts the ADDIE development model. The results of material validation by 2 experts obtained a percentage of 89.13 percent, the results of media validation by experts obtained a percentage of 92.73 percent, the results of small group trials obtained a percentage value of the media feasibility level of 78.32 percent, and 88.93 percent for In large groups, the level of media influence on students' problem solving abilities in small groups obtained a percentage of 74.42 percent and 85.69 percent in large groups. Based on the data from the validation and trial results, the PWDPB application learning media can be concluded. As follows: (1) the overall feasibility through the evaluation stage, the response criteria are quite feasible; (2) The effect of the product on the user's problem-solving ability obtained a response from the user with quite good criteria.

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
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