Development of Learning Media Website Based Using Blended Learning for 2D and 3D Animation Subjects for Vocational High Schools

Diyah Rochmawati, Khoirudin Asfani, I Made Wirawan, Min-Xiang Liu


Vocational High Schools adapts to the working field which is increasingly leading to the use of various digital devices, one of the professions is an animator. Therefore, Vocational High Schools provide competencies Multimedia expertise which includes 2D and 3D animation subjects. From the result of observation and interview about this subject found that: (1) The use of learning demonstration method by teachers are not in sync with the needs of students and less effective; and (2) There is no interactive media that relevant with the needs, attractive and sophisticated makes learning motivation decrease. So, it is necessary to develop a website-based media that uses Blended Learning. The purpose of this development research is to describe, create, measure the feasibility and influence of this media on students' learning motivation. There are four main features, that is pretest, material recommendations, interactive discussions, and posttests. Website creation is using ADDIE application development model and the product validation using expert judgment, there are a material expert validator and a media expert validator. For the trial of media feasibility will consist of individual scale trial, small group scales trial, and large group scales trial, respondents from the trial were students of Vocational High Schools class XI Multimedia. Based on the research results obtained: (1) Validation by material experts resulted in 89.30 percent classified as very valid criteria; (2) Validation test by media expert validator resulted in 95.37 percent classified as very valid criteria; (3) Individual scale trial for feasibility resulted in 98.33 percent classified as very valid criteria; (4) Small group trial for feasibility resulted in 85.64 percent classified as very valid criteria; (5) Large group trial for feasibility resulted in 88.82 percent classified as very valid criteria; and (6) Test of learning motivation level resulted in 81.15 percent classified as high motivation criteria

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
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