Computer and Network Engineering Expertise Competency Test Program Evaluation at Islamic Vocational School 1 Blitar

Eny Winarsih, Triyanna Widiyaningtyas, Nur Ain Izzaty Binti Ahmad Johan


Competency test is an assessment to measure the competence of students at a certain level according to the competence of skills possessed by SMK. This study uses the DEM (Discrepancy Evaluation Model) research model with a qualitative research type that was carried out during the implementation of the Expertise Competency Test (UKK) of the Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) Expertise Program at Islamic Vocational School 1 Blitar. The sources of data in this study were TKJ teachers, TKJ Field Coordinators, the implementing committee, internal assessors, external assessors, and students. Methods of data collection using observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data processing techniques are carried out qualitatively according to what is happening in the field. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of the Expertise Competency Test of the Computer and Network Engineering Expertise Program at SMK Islam 1 Blitar are as follows: (1) the design development stage has been very well carried out, (2) the installation stage is included in the very appropriate category and is suitable for use as a skill competency test. , (3) the overall process stage is in accordance with the UKK scheme designed by the school, (4) the overall product stage is also very in line with the UKK terminal objectives to be implemented. (5) The cost analysis stage can be obtained that the costs incurred by the school are issued based on the needs of the test by considering the infrastructure owned by the school and are still suitable for use in the test

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
 Published by Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri   Malang, Indonesia
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