Development and Quality Analysis of Web-Based Library Information System based on ISO 9126 Standard

Rivaldi Rizalul Akhsan, Dewi Apriliasari, Riana Tangkin Mangesa


Management of book collection at the Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang is less  effective and efficient because the management process is carried out manually and centrally on a single computer  (stand alone). This research purposes is to describe, develop, and test a reference book management information  system based on Model View Controller (MVC) in the Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of  Malang. The development model that used in this research is waterfall model which consists of analysis, design,  implementation, and testing step. Testing is carried out to determine the quality of the developed system. Testing  of the product in this research is using ISO 9126 indicators with aspects of functionality, and usability. The results  showed that: (1) the reference book management information system was developed using the Codeigniter  framework and the waterfall development model consisting of the needs analysis, design, implementation, and  testing step, and (2) the test results on the functionality aspect obtained a value of 1 ( good). Usability testing  obtained a result of 4.03 (very feasible) obtained from the results of the average assessment of students and  librarian responden.

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
 Published by Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri   Malang, Indonesia
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