Hand Sanitizer Alami Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Personal Hygiene Warga

Siti Khoirunnisa, Berlina Ayu Wijayanti, Widya Kartika Aditya, Faridatun Nafisah


Society’s knowledge about the Covid-19 virus as an effort to prevent the spread of the corona virus through the improvement of personal hygiene to face this pandemic is very important. One of the preventions that can be done is by using hand sanitizer. The increasing number of hand sanitizer needs has caused its availability to be limited and its selling price increase. Therefore, it is needed to conduct online socialization in the making of hand sanitizers with natural ingredients. Online socialization is carried out so that society can understand the benefits and how to make it without giving the risk of the spread of Covid-19 through the crowd from these activities, this is carried out to comply with health protocols. Online socialization was carried out through educational videos that were forwarded through the WhatsApp group of the Covid-19 Handling Acceleration Team that consists of the head of every RT and staff of Kelurahan Mondokan. The result, the society in Kelurahan Mondokan understands the benefits and how to make natural hand sanitizer so they can make their own hand sanitizer and can improve the standard of personal hygiene values of society as an effort to prevent the spread of corona virus.

Pengetahuan warga mengenai virus covid-19 dalam upaya mencegah penyebaran virus corona melalui peningkatan personal hygiene masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi ini sangat penting. Salah satu pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan hand sanitizer. Peningkatan jumlah kebutuhan hand sanitizer di tengah pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan ketersediaannya menjadi terbatas serta harga jualnya menjadi meningkat, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan sosialisasi daring pembuatan hand sanitizer alami untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ketersediaan hand sanitizer. Sosialiasi daring dilakukan agar warga dapat memahami manfaat penggunaan hand sanitizer serta pembuatannya tanpa memberikan resiko terjadinya penyebaran Covid-19 melalui kerumunan dari kegiatan tersebut, hal ini dilaksanakan untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan dalam masa pandemi ini. Sosialisasi daring dilakukan melalui pembuatan video edukasi yang kemudian disebarluaskan melalui WhatsaApp group Tim Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 yang beranggotakan ketua RT dan perangkat kelurahan. Dari hasil tersebut, warga paham mengenai manfaat, bahan dan cara pembuatan hand sanitizer alami sehingga dapat memproduksi secara mandiri di rumah serta dapat meningkatkan standar nilai personal hygiene warga dalam upaya mencegah penyebaran virus corona.


Covid-19; hand sanitizer; online socialization; personal hygiene; sosialisasi daring;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um050v5i1p1-9


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