Pelatihan Berkomunikasi Edukatif Pendidik Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying di PAUD
Communication interactions between early childhood students experience developmental deviations that connote bullying, making it less acceptable in the social environment. Training is needed to improve educative communication skills for educators as an effort to increase children's positive attitudes that contribute to positive psychological development. This training aims to develop educative communication skills for POS PAUD educators, Sukun District, Malang City. The training is carried out through the stages of analyzing target characteristics, determining participants, identifying training needs, preparing training materials and equipment, conducting training, discussing, concluding training results, and planning follow-ups. The training method is carried out through interactive discussions and guided mentoring both offline and online. The active role of participants during the training showed an increase in insight and educational communication skills. This condition is indicated by the steady intensity of teacher attendance, the results per test and posttest which show an increase after training, and the implementation of educative communication skills in early childhood learning activities. The implementation of similar training activities can be carried out periodically and not only at PAUD educators so the educators' educative communication can develop and build good communicative interactions according to the needs and development of students.
Interaksi komunikasi antar anak usia dini di lingkungan PAUD mengalami peyimpangan perkembangan yang berkonotasi bullying, sehingga kurang berterima di lingkungan sosial. Diperlukan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi edukatif bagi pendidik sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan sikap positif anak yang berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan positif psikologis. Pelatihan ini yang bertujuan mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi edukatif bagi pendidik POS PAUD Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Pelatihan dilaksananakan melalui analisis karakteristik sasaran, penentuan peserta, identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan, penyiapan materi dan perangkat pelatihan, pelaksanaa pelatihan, diskusi, penyimpulan hasil pelatihan dan, rencana tindak lanjut. Metode pelatihan dilaksanakan melalui diksusi interaktif, dan pendampingan terbimbing baik secara luring maupun daring. Peran aktif peserta selama pelatihan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan wawasan dan keterampilan komunikasi edukatif. Kondisi tersebut ditunjukkan dengan insitas kehadiran pendidik yang stabil, hasil per tes dan posttest yang menunjukkan peningkatan setelah pelatihan, dan terimplementasinya keterampilan komunikasi edukatif dalam aktivitas pembelajaran anak usia dini. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan sejenis dapat dilakukan secara berkala dan tidak hanya di pendidik PAUD, agar komunikasi edukatif pendidik dapat berkembang dan terbangun interaksi komunikatif yang baik sesuai kebutuhan dan perkembangan peserta didik.
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