Analisis Konsep Diri Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Penderita Kusta Yang Mengalami Kecacatan Di Rumah Sakit Kusta Kediri
ABSTRAK Penderita kusta yang tidak mengetahui penatalaksanaan dalam perawatan yang tepat dapat mengakibatkan kecacatan yang permanen, penderita kusta akan mengalami beberapa masalah diantaranya rendah diri, depresi, menyendiri, atau menolak diri, serta masyarakat akan mengucilkan pasien sehingga sulit mencari pekerjaan. Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan daerah penyumbang penderita kusta tertinggi di Indonesia dengan 4.116 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui analisis konsep diri terhadap kualitas hidup penderita kusta yang mengalami kecacatan di Rumah Sakit Kusta Kediri. Desain penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dengan teknik purposive Sampling diperoleh sampel 97 responden. Variabel independen konsep diri, variabel dependen kualitas hidup. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Spearman rank < (0,05). Hasil penelitian konsep diri penderita kusta yang mengalami kecacatan diketahui sebagian besar gambaran diri kurang, yaitu 55 responden (56,7%), hampir setengah ideal diri cukup, yaitu 40 responden (41,2%), hampir setengah harga diri dalam kategori cukup, yaitu 55 responden (56,7%), sedangkan sebagian besar peran diri dalam kategori cukup, yaitu 55 responden (56,7%) dan hampir setengah identitas diri dalam kategori cukup, yaitu 42 responden (43,3Sebesar 47,4% kualitas hidup pada kategori kurang. Hasil analisis terbukti bahwa ada hubungan konsep diri terhadap kualitas hidup penderita kusta yang mengalami kecacatan. Pembentukan konsep diri melalui komunikasi antarpribadi merupakan cara seseorang memandang dirinya melalui interaksi dengan orang lain. Konsep diri yang akan mempengaruhi diri seseorang dalam melakukan kontak komunikasi atau interaksi dengan orang lain.
Kata Kunci: Konsep Diri, Kualitas Hidup, Penderita Kusta.
Abstract The Analysis Self-Concept Against Quality Of Life Leprosy Patient’s Who Have Defects In Kediri Special Leprosy Hospital
Leprosy will lead to changes in self-concept among low self-esteem, depression, withdrawn, or self deny, and society will isolate the patient so he get difficulty to find a job. East Java is an area of highest contributor leprosy patients in Indonesia with 4,116 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine analysis self-concept against quality of life leprosy patient’s that have defects In Kediri Special Leprosy Hospital. The study design was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. With a purposive sampling techniques responden.Variabel sample obtained 97 independent self-concept, the dependent variable quality of life. Data were collected using a questionnaire was tested using Spearman rank < (0.05). The results of the study the concept of self-lepers who have defects are known as many self-image is less, as many as 55 respondents (56.7%), almost half the ideal self-sufficient, ie 40 respondents (41.2%), almost half the price in the category of pretty, ie 55 respondents (56.7%), while most of the roles in enough categories, as many as 55 respondents (56.7%) and almost half of identity in enough categories, as many as 42 respondents (43.3%). almost half the quality live in the poor category, as many as 46 respondents (47.4%). The result of the analysis proven that there is a relationship of self-concept to leprosy patient’s quality of life that have defects. The formation of self-concept through interpersonal communication is the way a person sees himself through interaction with others. The concept of self that will affect one's self in contact communication or interaction with others.
Keywords: Self-Concept, Quality of Life, Leprosy Patient
Kata Kunci: Konsep Diri, Kualitas Hidup, Penderita Kusta.
Abstract The Analysis Self-Concept Against Quality Of Life Leprosy Patient’s Who Have Defects In Kediri Special Leprosy Hospital
Leprosy will lead to changes in self-concept among low self-esteem, depression, withdrawn, or self deny, and society will isolate the patient so he get difficulty to find a job. East Java is an area of highest contributor leprosy patients in Indonesia with 4,116 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine analysis self-concept against quality of life leprosy patient’s that have defects In Kediri Special Leprosy Hospital. The study design was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. With a purposive sampling techniques responden.Variabel sample obtained 97 independent self-concept, the dependent variable quality of life. Data were collected using a questionnaire was tested using Spearman rank < (0.05). The results of the study the concept of self-lepers who have defects are known as many self-image is less, as many as 55 respondents (56.7%), almost half the ideal self-sufficient, ie 40 respondents (41.2%), almost half the price in the category of pretty, ie 55 respondents (56.7%), while most of the roles in enough categories, as many as 55 respondents (56.7%) and almost half of identity in enough categories, as many as 42 respondents (43.3%). almost half the quality live in the poor category, as many as 46 respondents (47.4%). The result of the analysis proven that there is a relationship of self-concept to leprosy patient’s quality of life that have defects. The formation of self-concept through interpersonal communication is the way a person sees himself through interaction with others. The concept of self that will affect one's self in contact communication or interaction with others.
Keywords: Self-Concept, Quality of Life, Leprosy Patient
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