ABSTRAK Masalah gizi di Indonesia tidak dapat kita abaikan karena dapat menimbulkan dampak yang negatif. Kekurangan gizi berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan, perkembangan intelektual dan produktivitas.Posyandu sebagai salah satu pelayanan kesehatan di desa untuk memudahkan masyarakat memantau keadaan gizi anak balitanya dapat membantu pencegahan secara dini masalah gizi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui Pengaruh Utility Posyandu terhadap status gizi Balita (0-5 tahun) di Wilayah Puskesmas Pandanwangi Kota Malang. Metode penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan rancang bangun crosssectional. Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah balita usia (0-5 tahun) di Posyandu wilayah Puskesmas Kota Malang. Dengan jumlah sampel adalah 105 responden yaitu Ibu yang memiliki balita berusia 0-5 tahun. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan uji somers’d Untuk mengetahui pengaruh utility posyandu terhadap kesehatan balita (0-5 tahun). Hasil penelitian ini adalah Berdasarkan pengukuran status gizi balita (0-5 tahun) di Wilayah Puskesmas Pandanwangi Kota Malang maka dapat diperoleh hasil bahwa sebesar 78,9% balita berada pada status gizi normal. Diketahui bahwa sebesar 51,4% responden merasa puas terhadap pelayanan di Posyandu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada hubungan antara Pemanfaatan (Utility) Posyandu Terhadap Status Gizi Balita (0-5 Tahun) Pada Puskesmas Pandanwangi Kota Malang.
Kata kunci : utility, status gizi, posyandu
ABSTRAK Nutritional problems in indonesia could not we take for granted because it could create negatif side .A nutritional deficiency had an impact on the growth of children, the intellectual development and productivity. Posyandu as one of health services in villages is a facilitate the public to monitors the state of child nutrition. It can help prevention in a premature manner program of the nutrition problem.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of utility posyandu against the nutritional status of under-fives ( year 5-0 in the area puskesmas pandanwangi poor city .A method of this research is analytic with crosssectional design. The population in this study are toddlers age (5-0 years) of posyandu areas. Total sample is 109 respondents. The respondent is mother who have toddlers aged 5-0 years. Data analysis this research using test somer’s to know the influence of utility posyandu on health toddlers (0-5 years). The result of this research is based on the measurement of nutritional status of toddlers (0-5 years). We known that 78.9 % toddlers be normal nutrition status. Its also seen that of 51,4 % of respondents satisfied with service in posyandu.The conclusion of this research is there was no connection between the use of (utility) posyandu about the status of nutrition toddlers ( thrashed 5-0 years ) for puskesmas pandanwangi Malang city
Key words: Utility, Nutrition status, Posyandu
Kata kunci : utility, status gizi, posyandu
ABSTRAK Nutritional problems in indonesia could not we take for granted because it could create negatif side .A nutritional deficiency had an impact on the growth of children, the intellectual development and productivity. Posyandu as one of health services in villages is a facilitate the public to monitors the state of child nutrition. It can help prevention in a premature manner program of the nutrition problem.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of utility posyandu against the nutritional status of under-fives ( year 5-0 in the area puskesmas pandanwangi poor city .A method of this research is analytic with crosssectional design. The population in this study are toddlers age (5-0 years) of posyandu areas. Total sample is 109 respondents. The respondent is mother who have toddlers aged 5-0 years. Data analysis this research using test somer’s to know the influence of utility posyandu on health toddlers (0-5 years). The result of this research is based on the measurement of nutritional status of toddlers (0-5 years). We known that 78.9 % toddlers be normal nutrition status. Its also seen that of 51,4 % of respondents satisfied with service in posyandu.The conclusion of this research is there was no connection between the use of (utility) posyandu about the status of nutrition toddlers ( thrashed 5-0 years ) for puskesmas pandanwangi Malang city
Key words: Utility, Nutrition status, Posyandu
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