ABSTRAK : Data Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa kebiasaan merokok ternyata sudah terjadi pada usia 10-14 tahun dengan presentase 1,4% kemudian pada kelompok usia ke 2 (15-19 tahun) yaitu sebesar 18,3% dan meningkat kembali pada usia 20-24 tahun sebanyak 34,1%. Berdasarkan hasil observasi diketahui bahwa mahasiswa FIK UM juga memiliki kebiasaan merokok. Kebiasaan merokok bagi seorang olahragawan sangat merugikan karena asap rokok yang dihirup masuk ke pernafasan akan di bawa ke jantung dan dampaknya adalah menghambat kinerja jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat Design Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR) Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Malang Sebagai Upaya Pelaksanaan Peraturan Bersama Nomor 7 Tahun 2011. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian untuk mendukung design adalah sebanyak 300 responden. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden yang menyatakan FIK UM memiliki kebijakan terkait kawasan tanpa rokok sebanyak 59,3% dan sebesar 71% responden menyatakan mendukung adanya kawasan tanpa rokok di FIK UM. Selain itu, sebesar >80% responden setuju bahwa Kantin, Gasebo dan ruang dosen harus bebas dari asap rokok. Lebih lanjut diketahui bahwa ada beberapa titik yang disepakati untuk dijadikan sebagai area merokok yaitu: berdekatan dengan gazebo, berdekatan dengan ruang dosen, dan dekat dengan mushola gedung anggrek. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah FIK UM mendapatkan dukungan dari civitas akademik untuk mendesign KTR sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan lingkungan akademis yang sehat.
Kata kunci : Design kawasan tanpa rokok, peraturan, akademik
ABSTRACT : Ministry of health Indonesia data show that smoking habit happened at the age of 10-14 years with the percentage 1.4 % then in age group to 2 (15-19 years) is 18,3 % and it has increased at the age of 20-24 years as many as 34,1 %. Based on the results of observation known that college students are FIK UM also has smoking habit. Smoking habit for athletes is very harmful because cigarette smoke which inhaled into respiratory will transport to the heart and its impact is restricting performance the heart. This study aims to make a design of non-smoking area in FIK UM as an effort to the implementation of government regulation number 7 in 2011 . The research method is descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sample to support this design is 300 respondents. This research result indicates that 59,3% of respondent said that FIK UM had a regulation about non-smoking area. Then, 71 % of respondents gave their support to actualize non-smoking area in FIK UM, and also more than 80% of respondents agree that the canteen, free space, and lecturers office should be as non-smoking area. In addition, there are some points that have been agreed to be used as smoking area such as beside gazebo sited, lecturers office, mosque and building orchids. The conclusion is civitas academic from FIK UM give support to design non-smoking area as the effort to create a healthy academic environment.
Keywords : non-smoking area design, regulation, academic
Kata kunci : Design kawasan tanpa rokok, peraturan, akademik
ABSTRACT : Ministry of health Indonesia data show that smoking habit happened at the age of 10-14 years with the percentage 1.4 % then in age group to 2 (15-19 years) is 18,3 % and it has increased at the age of 20-24 years as many as 34,1 %. Based on the results of observation known that college students are FIK UM also has smoking habit. Smoking habit for athletes is very harmful because cigarette smoke which inhaled into respiratory will transport to the heart and its impact is restricting performance the heart. This study aims to make a design of non-smoking area in FIK UM as an effort to the implementation of government regulation number 7 in 2011 . The research method is descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sample to support this design is 300 respondents. This research result indicates that 59,3% of respondent said that FIK UM had a regulation about non-smoking area. Then, 71 % of respondents gave their support to actualize non-smoking area in FIK UM, and also more than 80% of respondents agree that the canteen, free space, and lecturers office should be as non-smoking area. In addition, there are some points that have been agreed to be used as smoking area such as beside gazebo sited, lecturers office, mosque and building orchids. The conclusion is civitas academic from FIK UM give support to design non-smoking area as the effort to create a healthy academic environment.
Keywords : non-smoking area design, regulation, academic
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