JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

ISSN (Online) 2527-905X       ISSN (Print) 2461-0828

JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published three times a year in July, September, and November. The journal concerns with theoretical and empirical papers on business education, economics education, and management. The journal is published by Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang. This journal has registered in crossref system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Prefix 10.17977

JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) has been indexed and abstracted by DOAJ, SINTA, Crossref, Garuda, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Garuda, Dimensions and so forth. Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen is Nationally Accredited (SINTA 2) based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. B/1796/E5.2/KI.02.00/2020/, 30 December 2020. The journal is also under consideration for reputable indexation, including Scopus and Web of Science. 

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 11, No 1 (2025): Online First

Table of Contents


Dedi Iskamto, Fadil Athariq Tory, Asyraf Afthanorhan
Muthyah Ainunsary Mustafa, Nila Firdausi Nuzula, Saparila Worokinasih
Linda Agustin Ningrum, Endang Sri Andayani, Inayati Nuraini Dwiputri