Students’ Perception in Using Portfolios of Arabic Linguistics Course for Independent Learning

Nur Faiz Kholidiyah


Education in university is not only about providing lecture material but also must provide a learning experience. As a student, he must have an independent attitude in learning, be motivated when participating in learning, be responsible for doing assignments, be confident during the discussion process and be able to evaluate his own learning outcomes. This study aims to determine student responses to the use of portfolios that can facilitate students to have an independent attitude in learning.  The subject of this study is the students of the Linguistic Course at the State University of Malang.  This study uses qualitative methods through observation and questionnaires to determine student responses. Then, to analyze the student responses, the researcher carries out data reduction, data presentation, and conclution drawing. The results of the questionnaire showed that 93.4% of students agreed to the use of portfolios which could increase independence in learning. And the remaining 6.6%, students disagree with the use of portfolios that can increase independent attitudes in learning. This is also evident from the attitude of students when learning takes place, which shows indicators of independent learning, namely having motivation, being responsible, confident, using supporting learning resources, and evaluating the results of their own learning.


Arabic Linguistics Course; Independent Learning; Portofolio

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