Ibn Athaillah As-Sakandariy is a writter of Al-Hikam. He was Egyptian mystical author and hagiographer. He was a follower of Shafi’i and/or Maliki religious scholar, and also prominent member of the Shadililiya thariqah. The most influential of the 20 d works credited to him is the Book of Aphoristic Wisdom (Kitāb Al-Hikam). This book of aphorism had been translated into Javanese language by MishbāchZainil-Mushthafa Al-BangilaniyAth-Thubaniy. In this Javanese translation book, there are two side of translation, literal and free translation. This article will investigate the textual equivalence between Arabic (L1) and Javanese (L2) in the aphorism book of Al-Hikam. This research had been used the qualitative method. The data will be analyzed by the descriptive method (describing the structure of language). The methods in this research was divided into three basic parts: (1) collecting the data, (2) analysis the data, and (3) reporting the data. Collecting the data had been used the observation method to gain the informations about Theme and Rheme in Arabic-Javanese translation. First problem is about the thematic structure between Arabic and Javanese translation (theme and rheme), or Information structure between L1 and L2 (given and new). The second problem, this article will elaborate the strategies for minimizing linear dislocation in the Aphorsim book of Al-Hikam. There are four strategies for resolving the tension between syntactic and communicative functions in Arabic-Javanese translation, such as: (1) voice change, (2) change of verb, (3) nominalization, and (4) extraposition.
Keywords: Textual Equivalence, Arabic-Javanese Translation, Aphorsim, Al-Hikam.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um056v1i2p113-125
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