تطبيق أسلوب المباراة الفئوية واستخدام الصور في تعليم مهارة القراءة
The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the implementation of Teams Games Tournaments strategy and using Pictures and (2) the results of teaching reading ability with Teams Games Tournaments strategy And Using Pictures. Based on the results of this study the researcher concluded that: First, teaching with Teams Games Tournamens strategy and using Pictures can learning effective and positive for students to making of reading text, that strategy is carried with gratify concept by means of pictures and competition. Second, (a) Teams Games Tournaments strategy more effective than teaching with using Pictures only, (b) Teams Games Tournaments is fused with Pictures better than Teams Games Tournaments strategy without using Pictures or teaching with using Pictures without Teams Games Tournaments strategy
Keywords: teams games tournaments, pictures, reading ability.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um056v1i1p58-72
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