تعليم كتابة اللغة العربيّة لغير الناطقين بها: أهميته وعناصره

نور هدايتي


Writing for foreign language learners, especially Arabic, is a difficult skill to master, and the difficulty is not only in the development of ideas but also and its composition. The steps that we can take to implement the teaching of writing are: (1) setting clear learning objectives, (2) establishing a theoretical framework that underpins the teaching of writing, (3) designing learning materials, (4) specifying elements relevant to the development of learning materials, (5) preparing the lesson plans, (6) selecting the instructional materials, (7) preparing the learning activities and assessment methods. The writing process is a process to overcome the difficulties that include elements of (1) the material in the subject matter under hand, (2) the author’s experience or knowledge, and (3) writing techniques.


Kata Kunci: writing teaching and learning, Arabic, non-native speaker.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um056v1i1p73-84


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