Amelia Riski Merdiana


Education is one of the determinants of the sustainability of human resources to support progress. Education, in general, is in formal form. One of the non-formal education efforts to increase people's interest in literacy is the Community Reading Parks, commonly called Community Reading Parks. Community Reading Park is a non-formal institution that provides information sources to meet community needs. The existence of TBM is an implementation of the fourth point of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program related to quality education with subtheme 4.6 literacy and numeracy. Growing interest in literacy is not easy, but requires ongoing innovative activities so people can continue to be active. This research aims to determine how high the interest in literacy is with the community's existence of Community Reading Parks (TBM). The research method uses a literature review study with descriptive explanations. The study in writing the literature review study used sources from the last five years, namely from 2019 to 2023. Data collection techniques were obtained from online literature sources such as Google Scholar by acquiring 30 articles and 15 articles for literature review studies. This research provides results including the role of Community Reading Parks being divided into three categories: 1) The role of  Community Reading Parks in increasing literacy and interest in reading; 2) The role of Community Reading Parks in improving the quality of education; and 3) The role of Community Reading Parks in increasing artistic and cultural creativity. All activities in each Community Reading Park increase literacy and reading interest, support education quality, and increase artistic and cultural creativity. The conclusion from this research is that Community Reading Parks play a role in increasing literacy in the surrounding community with the work programs that have been implemented.


Quality education, community reading parks, the role of community reading parks.

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